Please join us in celebrating Spring equinox, the day in the year where the number of daylight hours and night hours are equal all over the world. This is a day of balance, and a day of new beginnings! The Egyptians built the Sphinx so that it would point directly towards the rising sun on this day. Many early peoples celebrated this day because it meant their food supplies would soon be restored. And that alone is a good enough reason for us to have a dinner party!
In keeping with the balance of light and dark, we will curate a menu of sweet and sour, bitter, salty and umami - a truly harmonious meal filled with sparkling conversation.
Our four course meal will include an aperitif, starter, main course and pudding.
A vegetarian option is always available.
£35 per adult as contribution for food – you bring your own wine or alcoholic beverage.
Buy tickets here:
The address will be sent out two days before the event.
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