Find a Supper Club

Find out where and when is your local underground restaurant/pop up/supper club

Hi everyone! I am going to be launching a supper club early next year and am looking in to the possibility of doing a few extra special pre-launch nights on the run up to christmas. I'd love for you to join me at my cosy home for some festive food. The fire will be lit and the food and good times will warm you up on those winter nights. Get in touch for more info if you are interested.

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Interesting idea! can you please give a loose idea of where you are as if I could get to you realisitically I would be interested. Good Luck anyway!


Hi Janet,

Old Trafford in manchester... any good for you? Hope so! Let me know.


'Fraid not! Sorry I'm in Berkshire. I hope your new venture goes well.


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