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The Underground farmer's and craft market: discussion, suggestions, contacts,

Hey ms marmite lover here,
This is a place to discuss the market.
Any queries, problems, suggestions can be posted here. People can also make contact with each other.
One question: did having it at night make it better, same or worse?
Feedback please.

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Absolutely LOVED it!    Not so great in terms of actual sales but, to be honest, it's always more about meeting people and getting our name out anyway.  Such a great vibe and we kept saying just how lovely all the people were - I think a mutual love of food, music and having a fun, chilled out time made it perfect.  I think a Friday night is perfect - definitely do it again - please!  


Oh ... and I really, really want a recording of the piano-accordionist playing Radiohead!


That's Tom Baker, he was great wasn't he?
Loved him - made my night!
I had a fantastic time at the 1st Underground Night Market which had a brilliant atmosphere and amazing range of different food/drink/crafts. We had great buzz and interest in our dessert shots and we sold all our stock bar 20.  Our position inside but close to the terrace worked really well.  My home made Sloe Gin proved v popular (I wished I'd had more - note to myself - bring more next time).  Quite a few people bought a small shot as a taster on their way to the savoury food and then bought more quantity later in the evening.  We also got loads of email registrations for our Free Prize Draw (thank you to Jo @TheDeliStation) and are delighted to announce the winning draw went to: Sophie Mimouni-Collura who wins a free Art of Puddings class.  Well done Sophie!!!  and big congratulations are due to MsML and all her helpers/supporters - it's a truly mamouth event to organise.  I especially appreciated the helping hand from Ben Norum  and lovely woman in vintage shorts!!! (sorry I didn't get your name).  Sadly I didn't get a chance to visit any of the garden food stalls as we were so busy (no complaints there) but we loved the music and fab cooking smells which drifted into the Living Room.  Looking forward to the next UNM - bring it on!  I am holding down the price of my Art of Pudding classes at £50 pp until 31st August so please put your name down for a class before the summer's out.  Dates/details of classes on The Art of Puddings FB page - email or call me direct 07939 115 311.

Forgot to add that Friday night seemed like a really good night to hold the UM.  I think there was definitely more interest in the food and drink side of things  with most people coming after work whereas the day time market offers more leisure and a different vibe to browse all the different craft stalls.  I found everyone esp stallholders were a very friendly crowd of people.  I just wish I'd had the time to buy more of the delicious food on offer.


I had a great time! but accidentally gave flyers out with the wrong web address on :( It should have been not which was a shame because I seemed to be getting a lot of interest in them. Other mistakes made by me to be avoided in future: missing a trick by not selling mixed drinks to drink straight away. Not having any spare space in my trailer to take home things from the other stalls, or time to buy from them. Next time I'm getting me some of that smoked duck!


A bit of signage pointing out that there is something in the shed probably wouldn't go amiss either. It was fine early on when crowds were thiner and people were exploring but when it got busier I think maybe people didn't realise there was anything worth fighting their way through for.

Good point Ruth - quite a few people were sitting in the entrance to the shed later on - so some signage would be good if we were in the shed again!


Hope the afternoon tea goes well.

Ali x

Now I'm charging stall holders, I can afford to do leaflets to hand out to punters, telling them the layout and where everything is....ran out of time to do this unfortunately...


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