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The mysterious mutterings of supper clubs have finally made it to the most southerly bit of England...were having a go at a supper club in Falmouth, Cornwall. We are two young food lovers, both working in catering in different ways, coming together to put together a special night this Tuesday. The menu's going to be interesting and original, a Polish theme, mixed with the fantastic fresh produce we have down here. We'll be plucking mackerels out the sea, plums out the trees and flowers out of Angies garden, all combined to make a damn fine five courses! 

We're in the last stages of planning, getting a bit nervous, but more excited about what Tuesdays going to bring. The secret location's going to be awesome, were going indoor this time, hopefully moving outdoor sometimes in the future. Neither of us have big enough houses to host in, so the venue will be new and exciting every time.


Tickets can still be bought on Angie's website, its so if your a fancy a good meal, come see us!

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Comment by The Hidden Leek on September 5, 2011 at 14:53
Sounds great! - we're in similar position - 2 young chefs working at different jobs in the food world. Rural Ireland. So enjoyable working with someone. Hope it all went well.

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