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Little Pilbara kitchen charity supper club

The LPK has so far, much like me, had a very quiet 2012. The reason for this is that getting about on crutches and cooking much more than toast are mutually exclusive in my view.

While it is feasible, for example, to make a hot drink while balancing on a sound foot and crutches, transporting that drink safely, thereafter, is not.

Due to having taken a break just before Christmas to go on a trip... I then (under the influence of English breakfast tea) tripped! I sustained a break to a foot so the LPK has yet to surface for the year. However, I have had unexpected time to research ideas, blogs and recipes.

It seems that some have a problem with the concept of a ‘Guestaurant’: No, I am not running a restaurant (that would be illegal); No, I am not cashing in under the radar of the ATO; and BYO is the only way to get anything other than water to drink.

Just think of the LPK along the lines of the charity sausage sizzle but, without the flies, red dust, junk food and heart burn. Check out previous a menu above to get an idea of what goes on the plate.

So, to hopefully remove any misunderstanding, the LPK has become a ‘Supper Club’. Strictly members only. With, as previously, all donations going directly to the Majewski family appeal. If anyone continues to have a problem with my running a club and/or raising funds for a deserving cause, kindly contact me directly via the link above.

One of the surprises of launching the LPK was the remarkable number of people interested in hosting a meal in their own home. To be honest, receiving requests for actual work (from catered romantic dinners for two to corporate meals for over 20) came as, well, a bit of a happy shock. On reflection, this reaction now seems silly. Obviously I cannot be the only person living in Tom Price for whom enjoying good food, company and surroundings is unique? Unfortunately, due to prior commitments, followed by my adventures on crutches, I was only able to take advantage of a few of those delicious opportunities.

So, sit up dear blog reader, here is the deal for 2012: If you are interested in having the LPK come to your home to cook for you and others - get in contact. Do not expect silver service with white gloves (unless you are personally gifted with fork and spoon performances). I cook seasonal food with the minimum of torture possible (to the food and also my mental health). While I have been known to peel a tomato – it was just the once you understand - I was young, foolish and I have resisted repeating the offence since.

There have proven to be many advantages to eating out while staying home I am told. Not least you get to sit down with your guests and enjoy your own party. It can be so easy to get caught up in the kitchen that you miss out on much of the fun you worked hard to create for others.

No worries about driving home either – independent transport is too important to lose the privilege by drink driving.

Baby sitters become optional, rather than essential, plus (best of all perhaps?) I wave my magic wand and make all the dishes disappear back whence they came and clean up as required.

So, if you fancy joining the LPK Supper club and doing something different from the end of March onwards – get in touch!

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