Find a Supper Club

Find out where and when is your local underground restaurant/pop up/supper club


I have added an event to take place at the end of the month.

I am very new to this and saw the idea of Jamie and has taken me this long to get the nerve up to join a group and suggest actually holding an event.

I am an average cook and enjoy cooking for freinds and family and have no formal experience (the phots have made me a bit worried my food wont be up to standard) but I would welcome any tips and suggestions from others that have been doing these parties for awhile. Like an 'idiots guide to' if someone feels like writing it.

I am not that great with computers and forums either so hope this is posted in the right place.

There appear to be a few other Leeds members should I contact them depcifically?



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Comment by Jody Wharton on January 8, 2010 at 11:06
Hey Rachel - Jody from Netmums here. As you know, I can't make the date this month but am MORE than interested to attend or host another Leeds event. I've now joined this site so will make an effort to keep an eye on what's happening but please get in touch as and when!
Have a good weekend, Jody x
Comment by Rachel Cline on January 8, 2010 at 9:32
Thanks Alexis for you support.

I will keep an eye out to hear how it all goes. Seems to be a lot more activity down south than up in the North but hopefully some peolw will start to get interested and it can take off.

Yes I plan to pre prep as much as physically possible as I am good on my own but under pressure when people re watching.

So you have been to a few events before hosting? There don't seem to be any for me to around here sadly but will try and get any guests to join and hopefully expand the idea. I have listed it on gumtree and other local forums to get peopel interest.
Comment by LexEat! (Alexis Coleman) on January 7, 2010 at 21:31
Hi Rachel
I too am about to host two supper clubs in January - and I'm very nervous but excited!

I can't give you many suggestions but here's what I think might help me (fingers crossed) -
I prepared my entire menu and invited 6 honest friends around for dinner - this a) gave me confidence that my food was good enough, and b) gave me good feedback on how to improve things - plus it made me think how to do it all on a bigger scale.

I'm super organised and my kitchen is tiny (far tinier than those of other supper clubs I've been to) so I have to be very organised - for me it's all about typed lists - down to the minute. Other people don't need such lists and do fine without them - for me, they are my saviour!

Good luck and it all goes really well.

I'm in London, but please do email me in a week or two and I'll let you know how my first one went!


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