Find a Supper Club

Find out where and when is your local underground restaurant/pop up/supper club

Hi All


I'm Kat and i'm literally fresh faced out of uni, i graduate on the 20th July. I live in Norwich at the moment and sell cakes and baked delights in 5 restaurants and cafes but will be moving to London in August and will be opening up my flat as  Underground Bakery/cafe called Half Moon which will celebrate recipes from my family - the women are bakers, the men are farmers. My Great Great Great Great grandma's rock buns are not to be missed, after a long wait of 21 years I have finally be trusted with the recipe. As well as these old favourites I create cakes of my own, I have 2 ranges I am expanding, "vegetable patch cakes" and "Bake me a bunch of flowers cakes".

If any of you out there could give me support or advice that would be great. i'll be moving to Shoreditch area so should anyone know of nice little flats cropping up there that would be great.


I have yet to visit a underground restaurant, any recommendations?


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Comment by Kat Jones on July 14, 2011 at 21:25
I might verry well just do that as Cambridge is only a short train journey from Norwich, where I live at the moment, and I here til August. Pease keep me posted on the next event and I will definityly pop in x
Comment by The Secluded Tea Party on July 13, 2011 at 19:30
Kat this sounds great! Count me in when I am down that way next time... and if you are passing Cambridge any time let me know! I am running pop up tea parties around Cambridgeshire with some very exciting events coming up later this year! : ) SO do come along if you are passing through x
Comment by Kat Jones on July 13, 2011 at 10:14
I have indeed, I went straight out and got it and have rad it and trying to apply it to my business plan, plus its great leafing through all the wonderful recipes. There's an event on at the White Supper Club on the 28th July I think, have you been there? I was thinking I might go and see what an actual supper club is like. I'd love to visit yours though, have you got any more tickets left?
Comment by msmarmitelover on July 13, 2011 at 7:48
Good luck Kat. Have you bought my book on Supper clubs yet?

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