Find a Supper Club

Find out where and when is your local underground restaurant/pop up/supper club

It has come to my notice that certain people are spamming this group. If you see this, please message me and let me know.
This is a non-profit site to encourage a grassroots movement of home restaurants or pop up restaurants. It's not for professional restaurants who are pretending to be part of this trend, trying to get a few more punters in. Nor is it for professional sites that seek to profit from supperclub hosts.
One member was basically working for a new supperclub site 'home dining'. I messaged her politely to ask what her connection was, whether they were charging people. She didn't reply. So I've suspended her.
There are a bunch of people trying to make money here from supperclubs and I don't think that's right. Most of us make very little money. I'm avoiding those guys. Another site seeking to tell the world about secret supperclubs, underground dining has just started on Twitter.
Personally I resent people who are not running their own <b>genuine</b> supperclub trying to profit from this movement . I've worked hard. I've taken huge risks. I want others to start their own. I want it to spread.
But profiteers can just fuck off.

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Comment by msmarmitelover on March 6, 2010 at 11:35
And suddenly after this post this site was flooded with spam. Revenge?
Comment by on March 5, 2010 at 14:46
We agree with you entirely. Running a Supper Club is a passion, and not a business.
Jay & Kay

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