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inverted scallion puff pastry, fig paper and confiture, stirfry of duck skin, cocoa nibs, potato...chinese cardamom caramel

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Comment by msmarmitelover on January 21, 2011 at 1:32
Thanks for that Robert. I'm going to invest in a dehydrator at some point but wonder if I could dry in the simmering oven of the Aga?
Comment by Roberto Cortez on December 17, 2010 at 16:59

I'll tell you how to make the fig paper:

Cut off the tops and bottoms of several figs (about 10).  Cut them in half and add them in a saucepan with about 1/2c of water and just a few tablespoons of sugar.  You can adjust the sweetness to your liking.  Bring to a simmer and lightly cook just until the figs are tender.  Remove from heat and allow the figs to cool in the light syrup.  Place in a blender and add 2g of methylcellulose sga7c (if you don't have it, you don't have to use it!)

Then lightly spread on a nonstick sheet and spread thin and place in a dehydrator about 52C for about 12 hours.

You can stop before this time to make a slightly more fruit roll up type of texture, or until it is brittle and crunchy...Good luck!

Comment by msmarmitelover on December 17, 2010 at 11:42

Love to know how you did the fig paper...I had a go once but it was hard to get it the right thickness.

Comment by The Spice Club on December 17, 2010 at 11:24


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