I have just joined ..looks great... looking at photos on here and net has made me unsure re my new teaclub .house is clean and tidy ( or will be!!) but small terrace in South harrow back street.. convenient but shabby area...one main room fidlding to get 12 people in at once.. comfortable ish..not glam though. Main drive is community rather than cooking skills hence cream tea.. any views or suggestions on pricing and how you ask for tghe hte actuall dosh!! would be very welcome..I have done my product reserach and made numerous sandwiches scones etc.. Sams Tea at Three
hello thankyou for replies.. most kind.. i wrote this last spring i think it was.. i managed reasonably well for the summer as i used the garden.. 12 was max and as you say exhausting as i dont have help. Used little comment cards tht i print out and envelopes which wa s popular as its not to "public". No one paid less nd some paid more..but it was four courses at £12 with a welcome cocktail and nuts etc..so hard to break even. None the less it was a huge success in terms of me not being able to cook andi did two eveining dinner clubs which went well. My main porblemis getting clients asi am an o a p and not in a fshonaable area.. not such a netwrking genertion.. i even sat outside hte local tube handing out leaflets. Harder to do than one might think..including me! Planning a private party next week and a street party for June and cleaning the cups ready for perhaps a march afternoon tea. Good luck wiht your enterprise too.. this has opened the street up a tad andi consider that a success evenif i stillcant bake a scone! regrds Sam
Hi Sam, just seen the date on yr original post! What you've done sounds amazing in itself, I think we're all in it for similar reasons, mine has developed into a business, but I am still bringing people together and I'm happy about that, especially when people come alone and leave with phone numbers of new friends. Good luck with the street party! Gwyneth