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Being the shy and retiring type myself, I have never been one to kiss and hug my loved ones....let alone complete strangers!.... And this is one element of the dinner party/supperclub that confuses me greatly haha!


Being fairly new to the Underground Supperclub circuit myself... on my journey to new venues, I have met some fantastic and extremely friendly hosts and hostesses as well as the actual guests too...


What I find difficult to guage is how to say hello...and also goodbye!... to each guests/host/hostess... This is due to me being so shy that I find it difficult to kiss my own family... I feel like a very weird individual sometimes!


I would like to know how you greet somebody in this environment....


Do you kiss them in a continental style (Double cheek kiss)?....

Do you peck on the cheek whilst offering a hand to shake?....


Or do you awkwardly go to shake a hand and start to go in for a kiss and then decide not to and back up and go red faced and leave shaking your head because you didn't know how to end that goodbye?

(The last one is usually myself hehe!)


I would love to know if there is anybody else that feels confused at this topic ; )


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Hi,  I have just become a member and posted my first event and was thinking along the same lines............. 

I think that as a guest to your restaurant (and being very English) I would prefer a hearty, friendly Hello, to be put at my ease but not to be made to feel that the Elvis tributa act is about to jump out of the cupboard.

Hopefull good bye will be easier after what is bound to be a great event - kissy kissy possibility!!

Let us know how you progress...

Pudding Pals


I think it depends on the guests, you have to guage it...It really is a science in itself hehe!....

I go on the recipient's body language. There are often continental kisses on leaving one of my Afternoon Tea Parties, one cheek only, on regular people/guests and sometimes by new people.It's an Hello and a welcome smile on arrival.

I think I have the advantage of being much older than most of my guests and a bit mumzy and get away with it.  

Hehe...perhaps my airy fairy approach in the best way!... A double cheeky cheeker if both myself and my guest feel comfortable.... I think you are right in that it is definately down to the situation...very much an individual case by case hehe!

My DH handles the front of house so thankfully I never have to deal with this lol!


He normally greets them verbally, maybe offers a hand.  He's great at "reading" people very quickly and getting a feel for if they are nervous, outgoing etc or what sort of mood they are in.  People who have never been to a supperclub before don't know the etiquette either and seem to be torn between acting as if it was a restaurant and, when they walk into the house, behaving as if they were in a friend's house!


We have had guests though turn up in an expansive mood and they hugged and kissed him when they first walked in - that set the tone for the whole evening and we had a ball!  They left, having donated a bottle of wine to us as an extra thank you, kissing and hugging us both like good friends!



Aww that is so nice! I haven't yet been given a girft on arrival...It's a dream a girl can dream haha! x

I have to say I agree with all of you, it was rather uncomfortable on our first night as we didnt want people to feel unwelcome, but we are a huggy kissy family and are just the same with our friends.

Sooooo as the doorbell went , we just took a deep breath, said hello , welcomed them in, some were friends so we got our hugs and kisses as usual.

As the guests were leaving, at around midnight ish, I presume that the food, wine and company had relaxed them as one of our guests looked at me and asked, can I kiss the cook? Of course was my answer, that started the hugs and kisses (on the cheek) from the whole group. A lovely end to the evening.

Our second event the guest walked in hugged, kissed, shook hands just like old friends, they knew they were home.

We did by the way have a bottle of champers given to us at the end of our first night by some close friends, but we were too tired to drink it!

We have had some beautiful notes and thank you cards along with our donations which we love to recieve, and at our next evening we are starting a guest book for our guests to leave their messages.

We have a guest book. Actually it is our family guest book which we just offer round. It is lovely to have the mix of friends, family and supperclub guests' comments all in one place!  Some of the comments are so amazing - definately more of a reward than their donations ie more meaningful.  Especially when we are serving coeliacs who are not used to sitting down and eating everything put in front of them, without having to ask endless questions or worry the whole meal if they are going to be "glutened" by mistake..


Perhaps it would help if we think of it as restaurant etiquette.  Do you get a kiss/hug when you go to a restaurant/café/tea room?  I think probably just a warm friendly smile to welcome them to your home and a handshake to end the evening?  

This is all really helpful : )
It gets easier the more you do.. But Easter Tea Party hosted 20 guests and most I did not know, so had to guage it : )

I think it is important to be friendly.. In fact many guests are returning, and some even wanting to meet up out in town for a cuppa and a chat on our own which is fantastic, am loving making new friends and finding new ideas and venues through them. It's the most important part to me, making sure people enjoy what I do and they are spreading the word : )

Keep your etiquette experiences coming hehe!


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