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Le Salon Anglais's Blog (9)

Cauliflower and Nutmeg Panna Cotta, infused walnut oil

We served this for our last event as an amuse bouche, but could easily be an entrée with a nice bitter salad. It's great with caviar, salmon gravalax, quails eggs, peas ......
The panna cotta : 
Take 225 gr of cauliflower sliced relatively fine (with no stalk), put in a pot with just barely enough cold water to cover,…

Added by Le Salon Anglais on October 26, 2012 at 5:03 — 1 Comment

Vanitas Night (Lyon Biennal 2011), 24 Novembre @8.00 pm

Here's finally time to reveal some details about the fabulous evening of Thursday, November 24, 2011, in resonance with the Lyon Biennal. We are pleased to collaborate this time with the Artae Gallery to bring you a night like no other ...

To celebrate this collaboration, we wanted to (re) create an…


Added by Le Salon Anglais on November 7, 2011 at 12:25 — No Comments


There is no clear recipe for what we do, however......

There is a space between -and touching both, a semi-gastronomic restaurant and a grandmother's table.

It is not a bouchon (as much as we adore a good one),

It is not a bistro (as fun and exciting as a good one is),

It is not a fancy restaurant (even though a good one is a pillar of indulgence)

But somehow, it includes all of these.

The venture is nomadic in nature so it may not always be our door we open… Continue

Added by Le Salon Anglais on June 16, 2011 at 8:51 — No Comments

The French House in the press!

Kim Knight from The Sunday Star Times attended our last event... here is the link to the article:
Meat and Mrs. Jones!

Added by Le Salon Anglais on July 6, 2010 at 8:19 — 5 Comments

Thank you and thank you

First of all, we would like to welcome all new members and friends of

The French House, and thank you for your interest and your support. We

are really pleased to see the community grow and spread the word... and

we are looking forward to meeting you all at our table!

Now, we've posted a question to Fergus Henderson on the guardian's blog, The Word of Mouth, and here is his response:…


Added by Le Salon Anglais on June 5, 2010 at 0:02 — 2 Comments

The importance of aperitif

Last night, while discussing the menu for our next event and thinking about canapes and welcome drinks, I was reading Aperitif, Recipes for Simple Pleasures in the French Style by Georgeanne Brennan, day-dreaming about making our own vin maison

or seasonal homemade wine, for everyday, that you can find in any given

region in France. Aaah, the pleasure and ritual of aperitif, both…

Added by Le Salon Anglais on June 2, 2010 at 22:42 — 1 Comment

Ode to the Pig

oh little piggy, when i see you rolling in the mud and you squeal

i must confess, hungry- i do not feel

but when i see you shaved, paitently waiting for my knife

i am filled with all the joys of life

i will take your belly for confit, your breasts to roll

your hocks for soup, a menu (in my head) starts to unfold

your head for terrine, your leg for ham

your blood for sausage, mis en plas i start to plan

you truely are the perfect animal, your heart…

Added by Le Salon Anglais on June 2, 2010 at 22:40 — No Comments

Chef Tony Tan as a guest?

Sometimes life is strange... Two days ago, we've watched an episode of

Anthony Bourdain, No Reservations in Melbourne, and few hours

ago...I've bumped into the very same celebrity chef Tony Tan (featured

in the episode), having cake and coffee at Nikau! He's a friend of the

owner, which is also a friend of mine... Tony Tan is in Wellington for

2 nights, as a guest chef at The Museum Hotel, but I wonder if I could

invite him to our first dinner party…

Added by Le Salon Anglais on May 18, 2010 at 4:27 — No Comments

First supper on sunday 23rd May!

We're organizing our first dinner party this sunday 23rd May and launch of the underground pop-up restaurant, The French House... This is a new experience in New Zealand and we are hoping to get in
touch with other similar initiatives and foster the network.

We would love to hear from you (support, comments, tips, etc)!

Added by Le Salon Anglais on May 17, 2010 at 20:18 — No Comments

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