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Jerusalem Artichoke & Truffle Oil Soup with Crushed Hazelnuts

We've had many requests for this recipe. Don’t forget the word ‘Artichoke’ in ‘Jerusalem Artichoke’ originally began with an ‘F’ and eat with caution. We serve short black sized ‘soupettes’ for a reason.

1kg Jerusalem artichokes
3 onions
6-8 black peppercorns
2 bay leaves
1/2 head garlic
Homemade chicken stock (put the cube down…now)
Truffle Oil

1. Drizzle garlic head with olive oil and wrap in foil. Bake til soft.
2. Melt a few knobs of butter and a glup or two of olive oil. Throw in the bay leaves and peppercorns. Saute onions and artichokes til just soft. Add the peeled, roasted garlic.
3. Cover with stock and bring to boil. Turn off and cool a little then remove bay leaf and puree.
4. Add as much salt and cream as you think your arteries can handle then bring soup back to a strong simmer.
5. Drizzle with truffle oil and check seasoning. *Some crushed, toasted hazelnuts sprinkled on top are a nice optional extra.

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