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Kent Farmed & Foraged at the Ssshh Supper Club in Euston

The Ssshh Supper Club operates out of the Somerstown Coffee House pub in Euston.  September's Supper Club features chef James Fraser, cooking up his own produce, plus game his has hunted, and herbs and plants he has foraged,  Keep it to yourself, but the way into the Supper Club is through a book case at the back of the pub...

"James Fraser our part chef, part farmer, part wild intrepid hunter is joining us from our Kent pub The Grove Ferry Inn for one night. He is bringing his own style of food which is a fusion of self grown proceed, foraged herbs and plants and self hunted game. He has spent vast amounts of time scouring the Kent countryside to find the perfect ingredients and even started growing his own vegetables and leaves in our back garden Months ago. Even the eggs come from our own chickens that we rescued from the battery farm in our rehab centre!"

When - Thursday 13th September
Where - Ssshh Supper Club, Behind the bookshelf, The Somerstown Coffeehouse, London, NW1 1HS
Cost - £30 for 3 courses - to book email or call 07718 122685

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