Find a Supper Club

Find out where and when is your local underground restaurant/pop up/supper club

As you may have seen Ning is going to start charging to have this network. I haven't yet found a better network and in line with my policy of encouraging others I'm willing to pay the fee. I will consider whether or not to charge supperclubs a nominal amount in the future.
Since January 2009 when I started, as the pioneer in terms of reporting, documenting and starting my own supperclubs, I have worked hard not just to promote what I do, but to bring the movement along as a whole.
I've always seen The Underground Restaurant and supperclubs as a manifesto for good home cooking, a way of empowering people to start their own projects, be entrepeneurial.
I've been open about my ideas, shared my mistakes, my techniques, expressed my frustrations, successes and disappointments.
I'm concerned about how the establishment and big business are jumping on the bandwagon. Established restaurateurs are claiming to be supperclubs. Put 'popup' in front of any event and you can charge double it seems. It's a shame.
To me a supperclub at it's best is a home restaurant with good food cooked by amateur chefs. It's also an opportunity for professionals who wish to break away from the stifling hierarchy and bruising behaviour you find in restaurant kitchens and do their own food.
I think it's important to give guests value for money and to remember that your supperclub may be the first that your guest has visited: therefore you are representing all of us. A bad experience or disappointing meal in one supperclub has a knock on effect for all. We are all ambassadors for each other.

Good luck everybody and keep up the good work!

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Comment by Le Salon Anglais on June 2, 2010 at 23:13
Could we get the twitter password too? I know we are far away, but there are a lot of people travelling to Europe so... x
Comment by msmarmitelover on June 2, 2010 at 22:59
Thanks so much for your feedback.
Nomad: it's not perfect this Ning site but I'm hoping that the paid version will be able to have separate features for the supperclub hosts. Please ask me for the twitter password to tweet your events regularly. The livelier we keep this site the more it will be a central hub for people to visit if they want to go to a supperclub. I try to emphasise with my tweets things like: if you are wondering what to do this weekend, check out this site to find a supperclub to go to.
Last week for instance I got several emails from abroad, people who are only visiting for a couple of days. I didn't have events on: so I direct them here.
The French House: you can't imagine how cheering that is for me to hear...fantastic!
It's true I don't make much from my supperclub at present. The fee seems to be about $200 per year. Can anyone think of a fair way to get contributions?
Comment by Le Salon Anglais on June 2, 2010 at 22:30
We are with you, whatever you decide, because yes you did empower us to try and be more entrepeneurial. Up until a month, the love of my life, who is a chef, was frustrated and miserable at work and before the lack of money to open his own place. Today, and after only one event, he's a new man, flying with ideas and excited all over again! So thank you, and do ask for a contribution if it's needed.
Comment by msmarmitelover on June 1, 2010 at 23:19
Thanks. I'll be in touch. x
Comment by Secret Supper Club Manchester on June 1, 2010 at 22:56
I am more than happy to make a contribution towards to Ning fee. The whole spirit of Supperclubs to me is about supporting each other and the community so I don't feel comfortable with you paying the fee alone.

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