I first met Tiffany Morris when she helped me cook a Mexican feast last summer for 80 people. It was a hard days night, making and steaming tamales. She comes from an American border town with Mexico so she knows her stuff. I'm not a big fan of chocolate but Tiffany made one of the best puddings I've ever had: Mexican chocolate cake with Mexican cinnamon icecream. So the girl can cook.
She's now started a monthly supper club from her house in Ladywell, South London. I went there for the Day of the Dead meal. Tiffany was dressed, cooking in full Halloween make up from her large kitchen upstairs while a lively media crowd enjoyed the excellent margaritas, salsa and dip below stairs. The food was excellent: more tamales, fantastic Mexican soup, black beans, fish en papillote and again, that fabulous pudding. She gave us little Day of The Dead cakes to take home.
Isn't it great that we finally have somebody who cooks Mexican very well on the supper club scene? (Although I must boast I think I'm not bad myself, Mexican food is a particular passion of mine)
She charges around £30 a meal and you should take your own drink.
Her blog: http://www.kitchenconversations.co.uk
Her twitter: @tiffyjmo
This will be a regular feature. Others are welcome to contact me to post their supper clubs of the month reviews. If you want me to review yours, please let me know.

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