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I have just survived my first Supper Club event on June 25th!

The road to 'D Day' was not an easy one: I trawled this site for advice, received encouragement from fellow hosts here, etc. I still woke up in a cold sweat on the morning of  'D Day'. Add to that a last minute cancellation. Six guests in the end!

I decided to cook  the second starters while the guests were having the first and getting to know one another. Do onion bhajis really take that long to cook as the conversation waned? And why has the music suddenly stopped as tehre are at least 20 songs on that CD?

Onion bhajis out, followed by the main, animated conversation on music from the 60s to date, the Olympic tickets (lack of), Dieting(!!)... Last guest left at 11.30pm.

They all said it was a lovely evening -so I expect my next event to sell out in 5 minutes:-)



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Well done that is great news, 6 paying guests and a late leave... You must be so pleased you have done it!

Can't wait to see what you have in store for your next event : )


Thanks -fine tuning the menu ...(while I am still on a high)!
Congrats! Glad to see you're enjoying it and already thinking about upcoming dates :)
Spice -thanks!


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