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Cadrega - Italian Supper Club's Blog (3)

Cadrega Post-Theatre dinner event - 26th Feb - MENU



- Butternut squash velouté on a bed of chestnut dices and lingot goat cheese

- Grilled…


Added by Cadrega - Italian Supper Club on February 26, 2011 at 14:26 — No Comments

No's only food!

While setting up our new supper club, we asked ourselves a whole lot of questions. The key one was: is food really at the heart of the current "food-mania"? Magazines, papers and TV are pushing us to believe that food has never been as central in our lifestyle as today. Still, it is kind of disappointing to notice how the majority of food-related media stories are not really centred around food itself, but use it as a platform to build a show. Too often, the suspense, the emotion and…


Added by Cadrega - Italian Supper Club on February 17, 2011 at 23:35 — 2 Comments

The Spirit of the Supper Club

What is the first thing you offer a guest? A chair, or “Cadrega” in Milanese dialect.

The idea of joining the growing movement of underground restaurants came after a birthday dinner in a famous “three stars” venue in London. Coming home after a marvellous meal we were both thinking: “it was really a great experience, but so distant from the homemade ravioli we had last night…”

Was our home cooking better than that famous chef? Surely not. It was simply different and this is of…


Added by Cadrega - Italian Supper Club on February 13, 2011 at 10:15 — No Comments

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