After two very successful supper clubs where food and ambience was enjoyed by all ,we are doing our 3rd supper club.
Moules Mariniere, Pasta i Fagioli , Coq Au Vin, Pan Fried Sea Bass Fillets with Beurre Blanc, Platters of Vegetables , Chocolate Mousse, Orange Blossom Cake , Cardamon Ice Cream, Fresh soft fruit and Mellis Cheese Boards are included this time in a six course menu all for just £25. If you have any dietary requirmements or simply can't/won't eat the choices, let me know and I will agree a compromise. I will even do a birthday cake. Believe it or not , I have been asked for one on both supper clubs. Guests are invited to bring your own delicious wine and drinks which we will keep ice cold as required . You can request your own table or perhaps share with some other people. The atmosphere is informal ( you have to go through the kitchen to get to the bathroom the bathroom - you can wave to me) but the service very professional as it should be.
It is a unique experience and one the guests and the staff have thoroughly enjoyed so far.
Book now by confirming here and emailing me if I don' already have your details or give me a call on 07536088863 Karen
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