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PimlicoPal's Blog (9)

My Favourite Foodie Definitions

Vegetarian - Old Indian word for a bad hunter.

Cannibal - Someone who is fed up with people.

Zucchini - Vegetable that can be baked, boiled, fried or steamed before the kids refuse to eat it.

Hors D'Oeuvres - A sandwich cut into 20 pieces.

Coffee - A person who is coughed-upon.

and my favourite favourite.........

A Fancy Restaurant - One that serves cold soup on purpose.

Added by PimlicoPal on July 15, 2010 at 18:00 — 1 Comment

Ah, but can you pea soup Tallinn?

Rounding up all my receipts today for the trip to Tallinn last week, I reflected on the cuisine that Estonia offered by way of its (overground) restaurants. Sadly, the highlight of the week was a local blood sausage dish. Nothing sad about that you might say, except that it wholeheartedly defeated such promising dishes as filet mignon and carpaccio. Furthermore, spoilingly so, everything came with sauerkraut. I didn't dare order the sauerkraut in case it was accompanied by its… Continue

Added by PimlicoPal on July 8, 2010 at 22:12 — No Comments

4th of July Special @ Holland Park

Nomad Chef excelled herself at her 4th of July Celebration today. Billed as an American extravaganza, the event passed all expectations. Gumbo was the main event I thought, until the Peach Melba Pie arrived, and I was in heaven. The party was embellished with a Facebook group of 'Sex & The City' people who lived entirely up to the name - expect some photos from the host soon. Here I am rolling in at midnight, when I was supposed to leave at 7pm. Nomad Chef, the hostess with the mostess,… Continue

Added by PimlicoPal on July 4, 2010 at 23:46 — 1 Comment

Top Tip: Don't Lick a Steak Knife - Go To Estonia Instead

A week of uncertainty in the Public Sector as I await David Cameron's announcement about how much of my (as yet) unredeemed pension he will take to line the bonuses of the nationalised bankers. Top tip: don't lick a steak knife - especially if it's gently prodding you in the back. Imagine being elected on a mandate to cause severe pain! They must be rubbing their hands with glee. Reminds me of the newspaper headline: "Prime Minister promises more lies ahead". Aw well, off to Estonia next…


Added by PimlicoPal on June 25, 2010 at 21:14 — 2 Comments

Slice Your Blueberries says the No 24 Bus Driver!

Having boarded my routine No 24 bus from Whitehall to Pimlico this evening, the passengers were aroused from their apathy by a sudden stop. This was followed by an announcement from the latin driver that sounded just like a blueberry muffin recipe. When I challenged the driver face to face, he instructed us all to get off as the bus was being diverted, or terminated, or something. Just before departure, I had to ask if the driver recommended that the blueberrries were sliced or kept whole,… Continue

Added by PimlicoPal on June 15, 2010 at 19:30 — 1 Comment

Pancakes & Guide Dogs for Goalkeepers?

I am wondering if Fabio Capello is aware of the charity that provides Labrador Guide Dogs for England Goalkeepers? Our wonderful World Cup Team just joined BP amongst the top world rankings for spilling things over Americans. Maybe it's best not to invite Robert Green to your Shrove Tuesday Party. Unless tossing pancakes is a required skill. Sighs............

Added by PimlicoPal on June 13, 2010 at 10:00 — No Comments

Feeding the Five Thousand? Try Stuffed Camel

Found this excellent recipe that made me laugh - Stuffed Camel:


1 Medium Camel

4 Lambs

20 chickens (boned)

150 Eggs (Boiled)

40 Kg of Tomatoes

Salt and Seasoning…


Added by PimlicoPal on May 28, 2010 at 17:13 — 1 Comment

Soup De (G)Loop

Tried to make soup today. But I made it so thick that when I tried to stir it the room went round. It was so bad that I had to give it to the dog. But the dog then gave it to the cat, who then gave it to a homeless person, who used it to stick his cardboard shelter together. No more soup attempts, methinks. Sticking to vacuum-packed mackerel fillets (the cat nods, the dog sulks). Don't you think msmarmitelover's icon makes her look like Dawn Porter?

Added by PimlicoPal on May 16, 2010 at 10:00 — No Comments

Zero Carbz

Week 12 of a zero carb diet. Feeling really off-colour. Can barely do 1 hour of CV in the gym anymore. God, the photos of these great meals look good. Nearly fell down a drain the other day, but my umbrella caught on the railings. Would love to go to one of these underground dinners as a treat but struggling to find any in C. London when I am here for the weekend. The Blueberry Muffins I have been dreaming about have started talking to me. It's a worrying development.

Added by PimlicoPal on May 12, 2010 at 20:06 — No Comments

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