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All Blog Posts (950)

Clarkies Supper Club

Went shopping yesterday at the Cheese Shop in Flying Horse Walk, Nottingham. Sarah and I spent ages talking to Rob who runs the shop and he really knows his stuff, it was fabulous.

Came home with lots of cheeses , yummy biscuits, jars of delicious figs and millions of ideas for next time.

All local cheeses , Rob knows where they are from and whats in them, even Little Miss Beth ended up with a cheese tasting session!

Not quite sure how we managed to get a box of chocolate… Continue

Added by Clarkies Supper Club on January 12, 2010 at 13:09 — No Comments

Superb Suppers

Just started Superb Suppers and the first date was a successful evening. Superb Suppers will be once a month on the second Friday.I am based in Hendon, London, NW4. Next dates are 12th february,12th March.Have a look on my blog Looking forward to meet you all

Added by Superb Suppers on January 12, 2010 at 11:42 — No Comments

New to all of this


I have added an event to take place at the end of the month.

I am very new to this and saw the idea of Jamie and has taken me this long to get the nerve up to join a group and suggest actually holding an event.

I am an average cook and enjoy cooking for freinds and family and have no formal experience (the phots have made me a bit worried my food wont be up to standard) but I would welcome any tips and suggestions from others that have been doing these… Continue

Added by Rachel Cline on January 7, 2010 at 19:30 — 3 Comments

new supper club - east midlands

Is anyone interested in assisting at / or attending a new supper club in Rutland - East Midlands??

Added by Heath Monaghan on December 28, 2009 at 21:53 — 2 Comments

Working hard to find 'secret' venues for 2010

Our Opening night was a triumph, thank you to everyone who made it such a great success, particularly the team at Trinity Town House and everyone who attended. There was a point in the proceedings when a seed of doubt entered my head and i thought 'it's not going to work, disaster looms, i just don't have enough time or pairs of hands to pull this off' but my moment of panic and self doubt passed and things actually went very well. Good comments about the food, the ambience and the wine.… Continue

Added by Colchester Secret Supper Club on December 22, 2009 at 19:59 — No Comments

Artist Open Houses Fest.

underground gallery!
...ok then, an artist open house:
Final Weekend - Fri 11th / Sat 12th / Sun 13th December

Added by Klara on December 10, 2009 at 23:11 — No Comments

Feedback for the very first night

'Sophie you did a magnificent job tonight with Alex and your best friend! Enjoy the flowers and the first of many triumphs! X'

'Hi Sophie! Thank you (and Alex and Katie) for a really lovely evening. I think i am now hooked on underground suppers so prob see you soon in the not too distant future!'

'Thank you ...for an excellent night! We had a great time - and it was almost round the corner (not often you get that in London!) Really fabulous food - just hope the washing up… Continue

Added by Morrello Cherry Bites on December 10, 2009 at 14:00 — 2 Comments

Global Network

Some of you have been in contact with me directly, obviously, some haven't. The way of the world. If you haven't run across my blog,, I try to maintain a worldwide listing of underground supperclubs - so if you've got one, and it's not on the list, let me know some details - though, because it is a link-based list, there needs to be some way for people who view the list to see what you're up to - a website, perhaps a review, or some way of contact...?

The list:… Continue

Added by Dan Perlman on December 9, 2009 at 11:46 — No Comments

Hello, I'm trying to find a contact tel no for Colonial Kitchen please. I work for the BBC and wish to contact them about a film we're making on Thursday. Be grateful if anyone could point me in the …

Hello, I'm trying to find a contact tel no for Colonial Kitchen please. I work for the BBC and wish to contact them about a film we're making on Thursday. Be grateful if anyone could point me in the direction of an email address or tel no as i just can't spot one. Continue

Added by smileyee on December 8, 2009 at 16:56 — No Comments

My Personal Vintage Tea Sets Blog is here...

Just been on the BBC Restaurant Programme! FInd out more here on my blog

Added by The Vintage Tea Room on December 1, 2009 at 17:18 — No Comments

What and who we are (Colonial Kitchen)

English family who grew up abroad with wide knowledge of Arabian, African, Indian and Italian food. Run by Mum and Daughter, Mum (The Wise One) in the kitchen and daughter serving and entertaining the guests. We will be having different nights with themes, so keep a look out for what is coming up.

We have family and friends coming to the dinner parties as well, and plus all of the people who book to come on the night. A chance to get to know new and different people, while having a… Continue

Added by Colonial Kitchen on November 25, 2009 at 19:30 — No Comments

Is there anything over the water........

Hmmm the whole scene appears to be somewhat London-centric... not that there is anything wrong with London ... it's just I don't live anywhere near there!

I'm looking for a supper club in Northern Ireland... or even the Republic... to try the experience out. Any suggestions?

I have to admit the whole concept is just about the most exciting thing I have ever heard of! Maybe give it a go myself once I have seen some 'best practice'!

Now I wonder if the local tech… Continue

Added by Starvin' Marvin on November 16, 2009 at 22:09 — 1 Comment

birthday dinner

Hi im looking for a place that would hold around 20people on the 12th of december for my birthday has anyone any suggestions at all?? please help!!


Added by david donovan on November 11, 2009 at 13:36 — No Comments

Moving Day

I can not wait to move out of my parents house so that a) I can be out of Wales and in a location where I can really explore all the lovely supperclubs that are springing up and b) I can seriously consider opening up my own.

Currently my mother barely likes having our own family over for tea, let alone me pushing her out to have the house to myself to entertain strangers.

Moving back in after university may have been a mistake.

Added by Tara on November 10, 2009 at 18:50 — No Comments

Link to Henley Food Festival

Ooops - the text I wrote says I was cooking at the HFF, not quite true, the filming was at the 2nd round at a pub in Henley and I didn't get through - I was robbed!! Seriously it was agood experience to cook in front of a live crowd and some good feedback from the celebrity chefs, especially the first round.

Added by PapaGeez on November 10, 2009 at 18:15 — No Comments

Start of something?

Link to my very basic webpage

Added by PapaGeez on November 10, 2009 at 18:10 — No Comments

The Brighton Supper Club scene

If anyone could post to me about the Brighton Supper Club scene (from November 2009 onwards) that would be fab, as I am thinking of starting something soon. I haven't really got a venue to get started, so if anybody wants a partner to host something soon, I'm your gal. See my profile on this site at: ferretneckcancer8 I have other photos of my cooking up on Flickr and Facebook too, but email me first. I am into robust and hearty foods and love Italian, Mexican, Moroccan and Greek cuisine. I… Continue

Added by Ferretneckcancer8 on November 8, 2009 at 2:20 — 7 Comments

♥ Planning the grand (re)opening 28th November! (NOW SOLD OUT!)

The Claptonian Arts Club ♥ is an offshoot of Front Projects, an art gallery in a home in Lower Clapton.

We have been going since September 2007 and because the food at our private views became as legendary as the art, we have now merged the two.

The claptonian Arts Club ♥

♥ A dining and art venture in a home in Clapton E5.

At the opening night we will be serving mouthwatering east African fusion dishes in an arty atmosphere.

The Claptonian… Continue

Added by The Claptonian Arts Club ♥ on November 5, 2009 at 18:30 — No Comments



Added by Morrello Cherry Bites on November 2, 2009 at 12:00 — No Comments

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