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January 2010 Blog Posts (12)

Last Minute Cancellation! Two more spots for Cucina Cinzia Sat Night in Fulham...

Just had a late cancellation - happy to have two more people for tomorrow night. As it's our first time, come along and pay whatever you think is appropriate! We're just aiming to have a great Tuscan dinner and a lovely evening!
Jill & Cinzia

Added by cucinacinzia on January 29, 2010 at 14:57 — No Comments

open for dinner

Open for dinner is being launched to encourage people to do pop up restaurants and Come Dine With Me style dinners at home or in unusual places. Connecting hosts, guests, chefs and local suppliers, they're a great way of entertaining, meeting people and having fun in locations not normally Open for Dinner! we're into dinners with a twist and welcome you to join our growing band of Dining Adventurers. More info at or via… Continue

Added by Janet Cumbes on January 28, 2010 at 11:06 — No Comments

How do you get your supperclub started?

Very excited about our first supperclub event, next week in Fulham! We've got the food together, and we've got a great feel for what we want the dinner to be like - I'm sure that it will be a great evening. But how do you let people know it's happening? I've posted it up here, but is there any other place that I should be posting to try to let people know what we're starting? Just wondering how you get the word out?

Added by Jill Hodges on January 25, 2010 at 9:49 — 3 Comments

Dinner every Friday in North Oxfordshire

Check out my website for all details, photos and blog posts


Added by The Secret Supper Society on January 19, 2010 at 12:47 — No Comments

Getting ready

This afternoon we will be making lemon curd, for the cheesecake , apple and lavender sauce for the pork and a winter fruit compote, mmmm blackberries, apples and plums.
Will let you know how it all goes ....... Little Miss Beth has already volunteered to be the taste tester....

Added by Clarkies Supper Club on January 17, 2010 at 15:05 — No Comments

Does anyone have a Supperclub in South Wales?

We are looking to start a new supperclub in Cardiff and Bridgend. Does anyone know of such a thing in those areas already?

We love this concept! Great for us 'home cooks' to show off our culinary skills and magic!!

Would you be interested in attending a South Wales Supper Club?

Added by Calon y Gegin ~ Underground on January 15, 2010 at 16:36 — No Comments

Spice Biscuits

We will be trying out the recipies for the spice biscuits later on for the Supper Club on the 23rd, several new ones to test out so we know we have them just right.
Little Miss Beth will of course be our official taster and then Bob will confirm her results later.
Sarah and I will as always , just cook them and make up our own minds about which is best.
Pictures to follow .... Spice biscuits anyone?

Added by Clarkies Supper Club on January 14, 2010 at 11:00 — No Comments

Day One The South London Kitchen

This is my first day of planing for my new supper club, I am hoping to have my the first supper in the spring, when my veggies are coming up in the garden.

I have had lots of catering experience when I was younger even managing Brian Turners restaurant that he used to have in Knightsbridge. I than moved into the kitchens rather than front of house so I could cook as that is what I loved doing most.

Many years down the line i am now a mature art student in my second year and feel… Continue

Added by Dashwood House on January 12, 2010 at 15:01 — No Comments

The Eclectic Eatery is thinking of opening...

I'm in Essex, By the Sea ...There are no other near, SupperClubs etc is there no call for it?

I'm thinking early March

Anyone interested?

Added by The Eclectic Eatery on January 12, 2010 at 14:57 — No Comments

Clarkies Supper Club

Went shopping yesterday at the Cheese Shop in Flying Horse Walk, Nottingham. Sarah and I spent ages talking to Rob who runs the shop and he really knows his stuff, it was fabulous.

Came home with lots of cheeses , yummy biscuits, jars of delicious figs and millions of ideas for next time.

All local cheeses , Rob knows where they are from and whats in them, even Little Miss Beth ended up with a cheese tasting session!

Not quite sure how we managed to get a box of chocolate… Continue

Added by Clarkies Supper Club on January 12, 2010 at 13:09 — No Comments

Superb Suppers

Just started Superb Suppers and the first date was a successful evening. Superb Suppers will be once a month on the second Friday.I am based in Hendon, London, NW4. Next dates are 12th february,12th March.Have a look on my blog Looking forward to meet you all

Added by Superb Suppers on January 12, 2010 at 11:42 — No Comments

New to all of this


I have added an event to take place at the end of the month.

I am very new to this and saw the idea of Jamie and has taken me this long to get the nerve up to join a group and suggest actually holding an event.

I am an average cook and enjoy cooking for freinds and family and have no formal experience (the phots have made me a bit worried my food wont be up to standard) but I would welcome any tips and suggestions from others that have been doing these… Continue

Added by Rachel Cline on January 7, 2010 at 19:30 — 3 Comments

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