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September 2012 Blog Posts (40)

Come and join us!

Join us for one of our intimate supper events this week at The Fat Carrot Secret Supper location. You will be dining among other guests giving you the chance to meet new people and share in a different kind of dining experience.

We still have tickets available for events on the 5th & 6th of October. To secure your place simply click on the special link for each event. You will be sent confirmation and more details by wegottickets once your tickets are…


Added by The Fat Carrot on September 30, 2012 at 19:10 — No Comments

We Did It!

We did it.  Last weekend saw the first opening of the Red Doors, and it all went well!  I won’t bore you with a blow by blow account of the evening, but in headlines it went something like this:

Friday:  all prepped.

Saturday pm:  mini-panic with the starter.

Saturday evening:  good night had by all, no disasters in the kitchen.

Sunday morning:  trip to the bottle bank with all the empties!…


Added by Gareth Turner on September 30, 2012 at 14:16 — 1 Comment

What?!  mais quel est ce terme si étrange? une formidable discothèque? un génialissime sandwich? et bien pas du tout le concept du supper club est un peu un social club, entre la tradition historique…

What?!  mais quel est ce terme si étrange? une formidable discothèque? un génialissime sandwich? et bien pas du tout le concept du supper club est un peu un social club, entre la tradition historique du salon et l'attitude plus moderne du "do it yourself", et adhère au phénomène des supperclubs et autre pop-up restaurants nés de la récession économique. L'idée est de faire se rencontrer des inconnus mus par une envie commune d'épicurisme, d'interdit, de surprise, afin de partager de…


Added by Julien L'Epicurieux on September 29, 2012 at 16:47 — No Comments

The night before the YO31 secret diners club Thai banquet

I'm writing down the recipes for tomorrow, so that they're all in one book - my classic eastern european car book! There's Trabants, Ladas, Moscovitchs, and Fiat 126's on the cover (yes I know Fiat are Italian, but you get the idea). I watched a you tube clip about making carrot flowers, because I wanted to put some in the salad. Basic ones are quite easy. Then I watched one about making proper roses. It took an expert 10 mintues to carve, and required a very high level of skill. Think I'll…


Added by Nick West on September 28, 2012 at 22:00 — 5 Comments

Newsletter October 2012

The Fat Carrot

A Compassionate Food Company

Newsletter October 2012

Autumn greetings Carrot fans,

A lot of news and info in this month’s newsletter and remember you can get further updates at our facebook page.

Upcoming Supper Clubs Events

There are still places available at the upcoming Supper events. These can be booked at wegottickets via the links next to the events listed…


Added by The Fat Carrot on September 27, 2012 at 21:19 — No Comments

Last few places available for this saturday

We are hosting an Arabian Night this Saturday 29th September 2012 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, and we still have a few places available. We would love to welcome you into our home and share our love of food. So if cinnamon, cumin and star anise tickle your taste buds then get in touch

Added by Aston Clinton Supper Club on September 27, 2012 at 11:24 — No Comments

YO31 Secret Diners club - wesite article

Our Thai banquet is coming up pretty soon, and a few people have shown an interest. I need to convert this to bookings, though. In my quest to raise the profile, I have been approached by someone wanting me to write an article for a York out and about website. This is quite exciting for me, being a wannabe hack/scribe. Also, if anyone else who reads this has any bright ideas about reaching out to a wider audience, please give me some tips. Although the concept of the supper club is that it…


Added by Nick West on September 26, 2012 at 18:23 — No Comments

Welcome to Wales!

Added by Dilara on September 26, 2012 at 17:20 — No Comments

Another date in October!

We've just added another date in October, the 20th, in Bucks, nr Milton Keynes.  We look forward to welcoming new supper clubbers!

Added by The Secret Shebeen on September 25, 2012 at 6:17 — No Comments

BBC & Beetroot!

DeleteGot to go on the Bill Buckley Show on BBC Radio Oxford today. 

The Lovely Jules Thomas from The Secret Supper Society was co-hosting a show with him on supper clubs and we got to chat to them too! It was exciting and unnerving...…


Added by The Secret Shebeen on September 23, 2012 at 18:00 — 1 Comment

Yummy cinnamon and apple ice cream

Just finished making delicious cinnamon and apple ice cream to serve with home-made Baklava, scented with orange water, for our Arabian Nights evening this Saturday 29th September 2012. We also had a trial run of the babba ganoush and WOW! what a dish that is! The flavours are amazing. Can't wait for the guests to arrive! …


Added by Aston Clinton Supper Club on September 23, 2012 at 16:59 — 1 Comment

Spooky Supper & Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Season is nearly here! Pumpkin Pie (vegetarian) will be available from Farmers Markets, to order and as a dessert at our two Spooky Supper Dates. To book for the suppers please follow the links below.
Friday 26th October & Sunday 28th October 7.30pm East Peckham, Kent. ‘Spooky Supper’ Halloween themed three course meal. Tickets £35.00each limited availability…

Added by The Fat Carrot on September 21, 2012 at 13:58 — No Comments

Christmas - book early to avoid dissapointment!

I know it is a way off and we have our Halloween events first but we are very excited about our Christmas menu. We already have bookings for The Fat Carrot's Secret Supper location so if you are a group or workplace that would be interested in having your Christmas meal with us, please get in touch. E-mail  Ho ho ho...

Added by The Fat Carrot on September 20, 2012 at 19:25 — No Comments

Coming Up

In the next few weeks: The Fat Carrot will be selling a range of homemade Vegetarian/ Vegan food to take home at:

Thursday 27th Sept Shipbourne Farmers Market 9-11

Saturday 29th Sept Spadeworks, (West Malling) Food Event 9.30-12.30

Friday 5th October, 7.30 East Peckham, Kent. 'Love Desserts' A vegetarian main course & buffet dessert course. £30 from wegottickets.…


Added by The Fat Carrot on September 18, 2012 at 11:42 — No Comments

Melt-in-your-mouth lamb

There are still some spaces available for the Moroccan-inspired Malvern supper club on September 29th.  Please see the events page for more details.  The slow-roast lamb is particularly yummy...

Added by The Supper Table on September 17, 2012 at 19:29 — No Comments

We have space for 8 Saturday 29th September

Menu to be discussed. Hearty but classy. Exciting but affordable. Food for charming people in exotic Enfield. Take a look at the website.

Added by New River Restaurant on September 17, 2012 at 12:54 — 2 Comments

4 Last minute spots

...for @scratch_suppers #Supperclub this Saturday night 22/9. Book here The Goog just got skinnier!

Added by Scratch Secret Suppers on September 17, 2012 at 12:17 — No Comments

Try Out Triumph!

So what was going to be a little trial run with 4 friends turned into a full blown affair with 8 guests last night!  First things first ....... Thank you to everyone that came and trusted the two of us to take care of them (Thank you for all our lovely gifts!  See pic for our new Official Shebeen Notice Board). It feels like light years ago that the two of us decided to take the plunge into the Supper Club Scene and here it was upon us - Finally.......The first course was the most…


Added by The Secret Shebeen on September 16, 2012 at 20:32 — No Comments

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