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The Lost Art Of Letter Writing

I have been very excited this week to have received a really lovely letter in the mail from the QUEEN of letter writing herself - Claire from Letter Lounge, based in London.

This lovely handwritten envelope landed on my doormat with a flutter, rather than…


Added by The Secluded Tea Party on June 24, 2011 at 11:14 — 1 Comment

k a t i e a n d k i m s k i t c h e n

Hello.  It's that time again and Kim and I are ready with our tasty taste sensations.

To book a table you can email us or call us -07773251750

And to look at the menu, you can see on our blog.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Katie and Kim x

Added by katie and kim on June 23, 2011 at 18:28 — No Comments

Mr H Goes Gorilla in New York 30th July

We are now taking bookings for our next event on the 30th July.

Please see below for menu etc. Bookings through this site, our facebook page Paul Henry or via the email address at foot of menu.

Mr H Goes Gorilla in New York with a Fusion twist Evening (Phew!)

Saturday 30th July  19.30 until 11.30 in Basingstoke

Please bring own wine, on this occasion we suggest you bring whatever wine you feel you will enjoy the most with…


Added by Paul henry on June 21, 2011 at 11:18 — 1 Comment

Sunday Roast - 19 June

As is tradition for these posts, I am too tired/tipsy to do a proper write up. Needless to say we had great fun and lovely guests. I have no photographs of food... but I suspect…


Added by My home supper club on June 21, 2011 at 11:07 — No Comments

Can anyone advise???........

I am thinking of joining all the underground restaurants out there and I have been reading all the information available including Ms MarmiteLover's book - highly recommended and most informative.  Can anyone tell me what the rulings are with regard to business rates on the home and the 'underground restaurant' principle.  Also I notice some people have a fixed charge and others have a minimum donation rather than a charge - can anyone advise as to the advantages of either?  Any advice would be… Continue

Added by Louise Dunkerley on June 21, 2011 at 10:18 — 1 Comment

Neighbourly Tea

Had an informal tearoom for neighbours - we spend so much time living our lives and in the winter hibernating it was great to catch up with 6 of my neighbours. Yes, we have that many inhabitants!

In such a small community its good make the effort and reaffirm our connections.

Menu included Carrot & Courgette mini muffins, Caramelised shallot & blue cheese tartlets, Lemon Cupcakes & Chocolate brownies.


Added by Catherine Swift on June 17, 2011 at 16:04 — No Comments

The Secluded (ZOMBIE!) Tea Party Is Proud To Present.....Our VIP Zombie Guest!


.... The Secluded Tea Party is now pleased and very stupidly proud to announce, that we have one of the…

Added by The Secluded Tea Party on June 17, 2011 at 9:19 — 1 Comment


There is no clear recipe for what we do, however......

There is a space between -and touching both, a semi-gastronomic restaurant and a grandmother's table.

It is not a bouchon (as much as we adore a good one),

It is not a bistro (as fun and exciting as a good one is),

It is not a fancy restaurant (even though a good one is a pillar of indulgence)

But somehow, it includes all of these.

The venture is nomadic in nature so it may not always be our door we open… Continue

Added by Le Salon Anglais on June 16, 2011 at 8:51 — No Comments

playing with food

One of the benefits of being at home all day with young children is that occasionally, very occasionally you find yourself with some quiet time. Today the stars aligned; a sleeping pre-schooler and enough energy to do something interesting. I wanted to play with food. A forage in the fridge revealed dwindling food stocks. But all was not lost. I had the ingredients to make lemon and caper…


Added by My home supper club on June 14, 2011 at 18:31 — 2 Comments

Catering Insurance: advice from Simply business, a must read

A Guide to Catering Insurance


If you’ve been inspired to start anything from a pop-up restaurant to a home-catering company you’ll already be aware that there’s more to your idea than meets the stomach.  Behind the business of cooking there is – unsurprisingly – a lot of business.  And the first must-have of any new start-up is insurance.


Home catering has great appeal to the culinary entrepreneur because of the flexibility it can…


Added by msmarmitelover on June 14, 2011 at 12:30 — No Comments

This site mentioned in ES magazine's food section

last friday. 

Great news for all of us!

The Standard has been a great supporter of the supper club movement!

Added by msmarmitelover on June 13, 2011 at 15:00 — No Comments

Snatches of conversation

Interesting conversations by the guests today. Experience and accuracy of clairvoyants a popular topic. Much laughter. O & E very well behaved, though E stole O's rawhide chew and O spent the few hours looking very fed up.

Added by Catherine Swift on June 10, 2011 at 15:54 — No Comments

the death of sunday lunch

When I decided on doing a daytime secret dinner event, it was because I wanted to replicate the long languorous family meals so prevalent on the continent. Where a large inter generational group get together once a month to celebrate food and community. We all live more nomadic lifestyles these days so more and more of us are bringing up our families without the support of family or a community that we have…


Added by My home supper club on June 10, 2011 at 9:05 — 3 Comments

This Way for Fun - 25th June 2011. Book now :


Menu for Honey Wild 4th Supper Club 25th June 2011.


Choice of Starter


 Roasted-Tomato, Basil  Soup


                 Creamy Seared Scallops with Leek & Pancetta…


Added by Honey Wild Supper Club on June 9, 2011 at 16:51 — No Comments

Far Flung Fondue

It seems that the Supper Club phenomenon is quite a Southern England thing... at least I haven't seen any Supper Club members much further north than Manchester.

Why might that be?

Are we too mean to invite strangers to our home?

There are apocryphal quotes heard from the Scottish such as these two


To a visitor to the house "ye'll have had yer tea then?" - meaning 'don't expect free food and drink from us

And a comment on the parsimony of the …


Added by Caroline Richardson on June 8, 2011 at 15:21 — 8 Comments

Afternoon Tea 10th June 2011

I am looking forward to welcoming 3 good friends and their guests to my tearoom on Friday.  My homemade Elderflower cordial is receiving many appreciative comments, although obtaining the citric acid has been something of a challenge!

Fingers crossed that O & E (the dogs) will again behave themselves - E especially cannot be trusted where food is concerned!

Added by Catherine Swift on June 7, 2011 at 16:44 — No Comments

Afternoon Tea 27th May 2011

We all had a great time, the sun came out, the dogs behaved themselves and everyone enjoyed each others company. Carol Burns from The Nottinghamshire Today magazine attended and there will be a feature on my tearoom in July's edition. Very exciting!

Added by Catherine Swift on June 7, 2011 at 16:39 — No Comments

diary of a secret dinner

Saturday night was great fun. Exhausting but great. The menu, as far as I know went down well with everyone. I had very positive feedback on the food. It is interesting to note the some of the most popular dishes were the ones that were easiest to prepare and serve. I have been getting a bit overwrought about menu design. I had been feeling that I must give people something ‘special’, something that they…


Added by My home supper club on June 7, 2011 at 11:59 — 1 Comment

Supper club hosts who want to use the @supperclubgroup twitter account

To tweet your events, blog posts and anything else you feel like promoting from this site...


message lynn secret tea or myself for the password


Lets keep growing the @supperclubgroup twitter account

Added by msmarmitelover on June 7, 2011 at 8:33 — No Comments

Fusion Supper Club Bexley, London

We have a launch date: Sat June 25th. Dinner from 6.45pm to 10.45pm. We are stepping out with a 3 curries nite! See events listing and  for details. Esta x

Added by Fusion Supper Club on June 6, 2011 at 22:37 — 2 Comments

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