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Macarons - Quick thank you

From Mama Lans BF

Hi guys,

Just wanted to say thank you to Miss Lenoir for the Lebovitz recipe. Also big shout out to Bakelady59 for the great article on how to make macarons – its one of the better ones…


Added by Mama Lan on July 21, 2010 at 17:00 — No Comments

Making french macarons or paying the mortgage?!

Hi Guys,

My boyfriend seems to be intent on spending money assigned for the mortgage on ground almonds, icing sugar and eggs to make the 'perfect' macaron (or macaroon). 6 attempts and no nearer so far. Any good tried and tested recipes out there? The ones he's made look like mini portraits of the elephant man!


Mama Lan

Added by Mama Lan on July 19, 2010 at 17:01 — 6 Comments


Have just joined & wanted to say 'Hi' to everyone!

Exciting stuff!

Everything looks and sounds wonderful.

Hi Pash & Friend! - hope all went well with your first supper last night and many more to come!

It sounded lovely!

If only I had joined a little bit sooner.......... !!!


Added by Pip's on July 18, 2010 at 13:00 — 3 Comments

Do you have a house/ large flat to rent out for a month in London?

A lovely couple and their two children are looking for a place to rent in London from August 11th for one month. I've rented to them and they are honest and well behaved. You could charge £500 a week including bills. Quite a nice little sum of money.If you don't have kids at school, you could take that and go away for a month!
If anybody has a suitable property get in touch with me and I'll give you their details.

Added by msmarmitelover on July 18, 2010 at 6:41 — No Comments

The second Underground farmers & craft market on September 19th

Hello everyone,
Just recovered from doing Bastille Night, aargh. Never get out the absinthe!

I'm doing another farmers and craft market at The Underground Restaurant in Kilburn on September 19th.
I'd love to have supperclub hosts sell their food on a stall and or do a cooking demonstration. There is no charge to have a stall.
The last one was very successful, featured in the Evening standard and on BBC Moneywatch.
I know it's summer but…

Added by msmarmitelover on July 16, 2010 at 7:58 — 2 Comments

My Favourite Foodie Definitions

Vegetarian - Old Indian word for a bad hunter.

Cannibal - Someone who is fed up with people.

Zucchini - Vegetable that can be baked, boiled, fried or steamed before the kids refuse to eat it.

Hors D'Oeuvres - A sandwich cut into 20 pieces.

Coffee - A person who is coughed-upon.

and my favourite favourite.........

A Fancy Restaurant - One that serves cold soup on purpose.

Added by PimlicoPal on July 15, 2010 at 18:00 — 1 Comment

Summer News

Roquefort cheesecake with roasted tomato and basil oil - tomatos, lettuce and basil from the garden, eggs from our chickens and cream from the dairy across the valley.…


Added by The Secret Supper Society on July 15, 2010 at 8:13 — No Comments

Alfresco Supper Club with Pash and Friend - the final touches

We are embarking on our first Supper Club - an Alfresco one - to be held this Saturday 17th July in North London. We are incredibly excited to share our absolute love of food with other serious food adorers. We are striving to be seasonal, to be British where possible and to add extra touches to make the evening extra special - in taste, the location, the feel, the whole thing, for all of the senses! We have just a couple of spaces left (email…


Added by Pash Friend on July 14, 2010 at 20:44 — No Comments

Fat Duck Restaurant

Very lucky to get a reservation at the Fat Duck next Tuesday! Maybe, just maybe I'll come away with a new outlook on food ideas for our next supper...snail porridge & mustard ice cream anyone??

Added by Clandestinos Secret Supper Club✓ on July 13, 2010 at 13:54 — 1 Comment

19th of July- Izakaya Evening @STOLEN

Izakaya (ee-ZAH-ka-ya) - Japanese pub

Some believe that Izakayas are over due to become one of the biggest Japanese trends abroad since the sushi bar. Izakaya accords equal weight to food and drink unlike the average restaurant or bar/pub which favours one over the other. It is accepted and even expected that you arrive with a thirst as good as your appetite. It is a place to share food and relaxed drinking.

Mark Robinson, who has written the definitive book on Izakayas provides an… Continue

Added by Bonnie and Clyde on July 13, 2010 at 13:05 — 2 Comments

visitor boat restaurant

we would just like to thank everybody who attended our first night, its went really really well and the feedback has been amazing. we are now in the process of arranging our next date so please keep watch, both here, our website and facebook group. thanks again to everybody for making our first night such a success. facebook group: visitor boat restaurant

Added by Visitor boat restaurant on July 12, 2010 at 17:00 — No Comments

what's your flavour?

Tried a new dumpling flavour today - beef and celery. It was errr ok... what's your flavour?

Added by Mama Lan on July 11, 2010 at 19:38 — 1 Comment

visitor boat restaurant

Thanks to all those who have booked for tomorrow. We’re very excited have filled up so quickly. If you were unable to come this time we do hope to do it again so please check back here and our website for new dates.

Added by Visitor boat restaurant on July 9, 2010 at 12:16 — No Comments

Ah, but can you pea soup Tallinn?

Rounding up all my receipts today for the trip to Tallinn last week, I reflected on the cuisine that Estonia offered by way of its (overground) restaurants. Sadly, the highlight of the week was a local blood sausage dish. Nothing sad about that you might say, except that it wholeheartedly defeated such promising dishes as filet mignon and carpaccio. Furthermore, spoilingly so, everything came with sauerkraut. I didn't dare order the sauerkraut in case it was accompanied by its… Continue

Added by PimlicoPal on July 8, 2010 at 22:12 — No Comments


Our next dinner on 17th July has been booked out by a private party, sorry!

The one after is on Saturday 7th August. For more information, check our website.

Added by Mama Lan on July 7, 2010 at 20:24 — No Comments

Midwinter Celebration fully booked!

Plum Kitchen Supperclubs next evening on July 24th is now fully booked, next event mid-August, will post dates shortly......

Added by Plum Kitchen Supperclub on July 6, 2010 at 21:28 — No Comments

The French House in the press!

Kim Knight from The Sunday Star Times attended our last event... here is the link to the article:
Meat and Mrs. Jones!

Added by Le Salon Anglais on July 6, 2010 at 8:19 — 5 Comments

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